Saturday, March 24, 2007

:( no photo today...

BUT!!! Ken rigged up the computer so I am now writing from the beach house instead of the Holiday Inn!! We are using dial-up, so no photos today- but more are to follow. Today we worked on setting up the boat- installing boat hook holders, a towel bar, a caddy with suction cups next to the helm, and checking out that all-imporatnt AC on the boat!! (It was about 88 degrees today!) Yesterday we drove the boat South on the Caloosahachee River about 20 miles- our first real ride on the ICW! It's going to take some time getting used to how high this boat sits in the water, the different navigational signs of the ICW, and the CONSTANT wind of 10-20 knots! So far, no manatee sightings, but there sure are lots of laws protecting them. (they ARE cuter than Palmetto bugs!!!)
Last pm Ken & I both really realised just how LONG this trip is going to be...We both miss the company we had here- and understand why his Grandpa always had tears in his eyes when we left- We just keep telling ourselves to take it in baby steps, and that thousands of people have done this trip before!
Tonight at sunset on the beach, Cory made several new dog friends- I swear he is trying to sniff every square inch of the 7 mile long beach! It's hard to believe that next weekend we must be out of the beach house (April 1)- we are going to play it by ear as far as when we leave Fort Myers- a lot depends on the weather. The days are FILLED with sunshine and being stuck in traffic and doing errands! I miss our Invisible Fence!!!! Love to all- Linda


Anonymous said...

Howdy guys!!!
I'm jealous, for all except the traffic down there. Wish I was there visiting with you. Take a picture of the house from the beach side for me.

It's finally warming up in Connecticut. The ospreys and the white egrets came back a few days ago, and last night I was doing evasive maneuvering because of all the frogs in the road.

(Look for the UPS man at your house on Tuesday.)

Missing you both,
Garth and Alison

Anonymous said...

It's feeling more like spring here. It only snowed an inch last night. Well, it's back to very busy job. I'm trying to figure out why I left all that sun. I didn't see anything on the blog about you guys not beating me at golf, so I thought I'd mention it. I miss you much. Tom

Anonymous said...

I'm driving around in my Sky with the top off for the very first time! See? It's not so bad up here after all!