Sunday, March 25, 2007

More computer problems in paradise!!!

No photos today due to more problems with the wi-fi internet- even at the Holiday Inn! We had a 3-4 hour boat ride today- south down the river to San Carlos Bay- and around to the Gulf side of Fort Myers Beach! We took photos of the house from the water out in front of it- I promise we will get these posted sometime, somehow! We were in a boat parade down the river- LOTS of boats-all different kinds- in a slow line thru the areas of slow speed (to protect manatees), lots of waves and wakes when 25 or so power boats increase their speed! We saw everything from jet skis to huge yachts- perfectly blue skies, green/blue water, and the usual 20 knot wind from the east! Cory was a trooper- he sits next to Ken at the helm seat that we carefully chose so that I would be the one sitting next to Ken! In the river we saw 2 dolphins swimming- very close to the boat. It was the best part of the trip for me. Ken is VERY VERY frustrated with the computer situation and has tried everything he knows to get us on the internet via wireless.
On a lighter note, we met the couple who is renting the house next to ours at the beach- Barbara & Paul. They have a cabin on Lake George!!! They invited us for drinks tomorrow night next door where they will show us photos of Lake George. Barbara is a painter (non-professional) and showed me a photo of one of her oils of the lake- just beautiful. She painted a water color of the baech yesterday which is just incredible. Well, I've got to wash the dishes before more "buggies" appear- Ken looked in the dreaded cabinet last pm, and told me not to open it again! Terminex comes Tuesday!! I can hardly wait!!!! Love to all- Linda

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

concerning the "buggies". It wasn't me , it was Thomas. I think someone in New London slipped them into his suitcase when he wasn't looking! Have a great trip. This may be the most memmorable trip you have ever taken. Remember also It is all in the attitutde!