Because we forgot from last year - this blog posting should be read from the bottom up. We'll get it right the next time.
They're doing it to me again!!!!! Cory

We are so lucky to have this view off the deck every evening, and the sun goes down around 6:30 here. The air is 80 degrees, and the Gulf of Mexico water is 75 degrees- I should know, I'm out there playing in the water almost every day. Cory is mad at me cuz I took him out in the water on an inflatable tube, and a wave drenched us both. He REALLY does not like the water, but likes all the smells on the beach!

Right after we arrived in FMB Tom arrived by plane. We spent a really nice week with him - which included beating him in "Upwords," miniature golf, and bowling. He might tell you differently, but he lies...

We drove near the Blue Ridge Mts in VA. The views were breathtaking, and it was so cool I had to wear several layers of clothing!!!!

First, we stopped in NC and visited with Dave, and met Emily. We had a terrific time.