Saturday, May 5, 2007

Some photos for you while we're stuck in NC!

The weather has us stuck in NC for at least a few more days, so I thought I'd post some of our many photos! This flower was in Charleston- does anyone know what it is? It was pretty large and definitely beautiful.

Cory's favorite seat in the boat! The fan in the lower left is our friend!!! and it is sitting on top of the range. The yellow thing to the right of the TV is my flannel-lined raincoat - I haven't had to use it yet- cross your fingers!

Sat pm- We checked & rechecked the forecast- it looks like we'll be in Wrightsville Beach, NC for at least 2 more days. Very windy (20-30 mph sustained- gale warnings) and showery. When we were with Dave we were cool & rained upon. Back here at the boat - 3 hours Southeast- it is WARM & rainy.We re-stocked the boat to prepare to sit for the 2 days- there is not much within walking distance. But we have books & TV & walking trails & internet & 1075 photos to sort thru!!! Plenty to do! Today I had my hair cut again, by a young Vietnamese woman with a NC accent!! We have met people from England, France, Ireland, Saskatchawan, and Vietnam. We had a great time visiting everyone this week, but we are looking forward to moving North again because that's where HOME is! Love to all -Linda
Stuck in port for probably the next 2 days. Sunday is supposed to have gale force winds in the afternoon. Less windy (20-30) on Monday,but still too strong to travel - especially since the wind will be out of the north. I really want to get moving north. I think we're all getting a little tired of being on the boat - 4 nights in real beds has made us soft. I just heard today that a friend of mine since childhood has died. I wish I could be at her funeral but that is simply not possible. My thoughts are with her family and friends. As you might have seen, I rented a pretty snazzy Mustang for 4 days. I wanted to compare it to the car I used to drive in 1970 - a 1964 1/2 Mustang. It was fun to drive but I think Linda was a little mortified with the color and style. Plus she had to sit in the back seat when we were visiting Dave. We had a great time seeing him. We got a tour of UNC and got to see his office. Pretty cool. Well, we'll see how Linda does stuck for the next 2 days. We have wi-fi, cell phones, and cable TV - I'm happy. Bye Ken

Friday, May 4, 2007


A last view of Charleston as we leave the harbor headed for Wrightsville Beach.
This area is called "The Battery".

Linda and Aunt Pearl

Our very gracious hosts in Southport- Judy & Bob Gregson
They are responsible for a lot of CT people moving to Southport-

Linda, cousin Carol, and cousin Judy enjoying the warm & sunny back yard at Judy's

Linda's cousin Gary- he and Ken have opposing political views

I love this photo of cousin Carol- it captures her fun-loving, sweet spirit!

Linda, Dave and Cory in the bamboo forest behind Dave's house in Chapel Hill. The day is overcast, drizzly and cold - it must be 58 degrees! Notice the native in long pants and a long jacket.

The beach near Southport, NC- Linda with Cory & Judy with Miss Cozette- the dogs tolerated each other OK, but they weren't best friends!

While enroute to Wrightsville Beach, I believe I mentioned it before, we came this far from a whirlpool. The currents were just right to cause this rotation. Note the cars on the beach in the background.

Linda, Ken & Cory at the windy beach.

"Anyone know where they hid the keys?? I found this fancy car, but I couldn't escape because I couldn't find the keys!"

Living it up in NC!!!!

It's Friday, and we're at Dave's apartment:) We are staying at a Comfort Inn nearby with a king size bed!!!! Tues and Wed we stayed with my cousin Judy & her husband Bob in Southport, NC. They graciously opened their BEAUTIFUL new home to all 3 of us. It was wonderful to be uncramped and to sleep in a real bed! While we were there, we got to see my aunt (88 years old!) and several more cousins who live nearby! Judy & Bob are wonderful people and wonderful hosts/tour guides. All of Judy's siblings have bought homes in the historic town of Southport. We found that we all like to go around and look at houses/model homes and dream. It was great to get re-acquainted with that side of my family. A big giant thank you to our cousins!!

The weather here in Chapel Hill is COLD (60 degrees) and cloudy with sprinkles and wind- no time to be on the boat! Our boat is about 3 hours away, safely snug at Wrightsville Beach. We plan to go back to the boat Sat pm, and depending on the wind, head out on Sun. to Morehead City. We are re-stocking the boat, I'm getting another haircut, and Dave is giving us a tour of the UNC campus and his office today. Cory slept until 9 am today- I guess he loved the king size bed! We WILL post photos tonight- we're too busy being land-lubbers right now!! Love to all- Linda

Monday, April 30, 2007

We promised photos- so you're getting photos!!!!

Tonight's beautiful moon over Wrightsville Beach, NC - The wind has finally died down. It was roaring this afternoon - but even in the wind I had another good landing.

Ken fed the ducks at Myrtle Beach - all we had to give them was Cory's kibble, but they loved it! Cory is really angry now that he thinks we've been feeding him duck food the whole trip.

Georgetown, SC Marina posted these signs- which really made us cautious while walking Cory.

This is the Sunset Beach Bridge that we were warned about. The bridge master actually waved, and was very punctual. Not such a stern guy, after all! However, we did have to wait for 20 minutes until the top of the hour. In the picture the bridge is being pulled back on an angle - there is a cable between the pontoon and the end of the road to pull the bridge back into position when all the boats go thru. We were second in a line of 5 boats waiting to go through.

This is an ornamental lighthouse at Coquina Cove, Myrtle Beach, SC. It was just for show, and you can't even go up into it! But it was a great landmark so we knew where to turn!

When I took this photo, I was trying to show the feel of us banking around the turns of the Waccamaw River. It was smooth as glass, and like Le Mans with all the turns. We were cruising at about 28 mph. FUN!!! This river went on like this for about 30 miles - one of the nicest cruising places of the whole trip.

South Carolina had very unusual-looking gators! Actually, this log was floating down the center of the channel. It is the second large log that we have seen in the cruising channels, so far. Fortunately, thanks to my amazing vision, I have seen them before hearing them hit the boat. I hope the streak lasts.

I was shocked when I looked down at my GPS and saw all the "stumps"!!! After that, there were "snags" and "piles"! It's a good thing we were traveling on a high tide! This is a very visual reminder to pay attention and stay in the channel.
We had a nice 70 mile cruise today between Georgetown, SC and Wrightsville Beach, NC. There were a lot of "No Wake Zones" so we traveled for a solid 5 hours. The wind was out of the south and picked up to 15-20 kts. towards the end of the run. The wind at our back was nice but then we hit the Cape Fear River. The tide was headed against the wind and we had an uncomfortable ride until we got away from the inlet - a total of about 8 miles. We then entered a cut to a small river. The cut was about 20 ft. wide with a depth of 6 ft. and a length of about 1 mile. A small, 18 ft. runabout coming the other way left the channel at a high rate of speed and made it about 50ft. before bogging down. They were still trying to get out as we went by. We couldn't help because they were so far out of the channel that we couldn't get to them. We saw them later - so we know they're OK. The tides have been all wrong for traveling in shallow waters. The tide was high at 6:30 this morning which means we ran all day in an outgoing tide and thinner water. We passed one ocean inlet where the depth was 3 ft. for about 100 yds! In this same area we saw a whirlpool about 10 ft. in diameter - pretty cool. We're staying in a nice, protected marina with all the amenities - including, working wi-fi. That's all - Ken

3 quick things from Linda-
1)I'm glad to be here in the state that's home to our son.

2)After spending all day with incredible 360 degree views- it's quite a contrast to come into the boat at night, and have a very small, confined view of less than 3 feet!
3)I was mistaken about being too far North for palm trees, pelicans, and dolphins. We saw all of them today, but I don't think any of the palm trees were native. We had several dolphins very close to the boat. I just love them! (we have also seen BRIGHT green skinks)

Photos from SC, but we're now in NORTH Carolina!

Charleston sweetgrass basket weavers selling their crafts at "The Market". Natives were all very quick to point out that ONLY vegetables and fruits were sold there historically- NOT slaves. That refers only to "The Market" - Charleston itself was the center of the slave trade in the south.

These 3 brick houses in Charleston were built by the French Hugenots (photo for Pierre!) The windowboxes were beautiful. Note the black round things above the windows- they are "earthquake bolts" installed in the houses after a huge earthquake in the 1880's.
I believe that the Hugenots were the early French Canadians - Ken

Cory & Ken meet one of the draft horses that pull cariage tours thru Charleston. We had 2 mules pull our carriage- "Crazy" & "Lazy"! They were teaching "Crazy" how to pull the carriage and he was very skittish, so they paired him up with "Lazy" as an anchor. If "Crazy" bolted, "Lazy" wasn't going anywhere.

Cory did NOT get to meet this funny-looking bird, but he was standing right outside our boat.

As opposed to "FULL Ripley Yacht Club"!We went to a boat show at this marina- no, we didn't buy a new boat. But we DID look & dream....

Ken dreamed about buying this boat at the boat show! At least I wouldn't have to polish any brightwork! We met USPS guys at their booth at this boat show. They warned us about the bridgemaster at Sunset Beach Bridge to our North!

Cory meet a questionable character on the streets of Charleston- not much of a positive role model for him!

We have arrived in Wrightsville Beach, NC - it is Monday at about 3:00pm. Another state behind us! We are going to stay in this marina for the next 3-5 days as we visit Dave, and Linda's family. We're also going to try and get all the pictures posted that we have not been able to do over the past week or so.

We're still alive!!

Note - These are posts that we couldn't get on the internet on the days they were written: The first post is Saturday night and the second post is Sunday night.

We’re finally on the move again after 5 nights in Charleston. The storm that was supposed to occur on Friday never came - it went north of us. We left the marina this morning at about 9:50am after a last minute pumpout. The tide was outgoing and was predicted to be low at 12:30pm. We drove about 1 hour before it finally happened - we touched bottom! Fortunately, we were able to motor through it and the bottom was soft! I moved from the center of the channel to the right side to avoid an oncoming boat. But once out of the center of the channel I was immediately in 2 feet of water. After that first reality check I paid very close attention for the rest of the day. We were following a large sport fishing boat later in the day in a similar “cut” - a narrow canal-like passageway - and I noticed that his line was further to the starboard side than our charts and GPS indicated. We figured “he must know what he’s doing” - but I refused to follow in his wake. It was a good thing I didn’t - he ran hard aground and stalled both engines. We stood by to assist while 3 men worked to free the boat by pushing with boat hooks. They got the boat into deeper water and we left them behind. We traveled 65 miles today to Georgetown Landing Marina. We are in a tidal river off the ICW by about ½ mile. I have never seen current like it is here in the marina. The water is swirling through the docks at about 4-5 knots! The wind at our landing was blowing about 20 knots. I had no trouble getting to the finger we were assigned because both the wind and the current were headed to the dock. I put the boat sideways and they did the rest - however, we didn’t have time to get bumpers down so we had to rely on the hard rubber bumpers of the dock. No damage and my ego is still intact. We didn’t get gas because I was done driving for the day. We’ll get it in the morning. We have to walk about 1/5 mile to get off the dock we are assigned and get on dry land. There are signs all around telling us to be careful of the alligators - especially when walking small dogs. We’ll have a quiet night tonight playing games and watching the one channel on TV that the rabbit ears can pickup. See you later - Ken
Hello from Linda- I miss Charleston after seeing this marina! It’s funny how you get used to one place after just 5 nights! Here in Georgetown, we both had SEVERE trouble understanding the dockmaster’s instructions of where to dock & what side to put lines & fenders! The accent was just too thick. After asking for him to repeat it the third time, we gave up & just waited for the dock hand to appear! Everyone is still friendly, but we are definitely OUT of the city & into the country. We saw a sign at the local restaurant that on Thurs nights they have “shagging”. I think it’s something like clog dancing, but I really don’t know. I’ll have to ask Dave, our Carolina expert. Speaking of Dave- he called last pm to tell us he just earned his red belt (I think it’s in Tai Kwan Do). We are always very proud of him, but especially for his continuing with martial arts. We go to Myrtle Beach Sun pm (HOPEFULLY we’ll finally have wi-fi that WORKS!) and then 3 nights in Wrightsville Beach, NORTH Carolina!! We’ve been “on the road” for 3.5 weeks, and there’s still a bunch to go! But the days have been sunny, the people friendly, and we’ve still got pelicans & palm trees & dolphins!!! Love to all- Linda

Greetings from Linda- Those of you who know me, know that I am hyper-sensitive- especially to odors. During this trip I have been blessed to smell orange groves, honeysuckle, roses, magnolias, and fresh fish. Yesterday we stopped overnight in Georgetown, SC- home of a paper mill. Never again will I use a sheet of paper without thinking of the poor people of Georgetown! We read in our guide book that only when the wind is just wrong do you smell the mills. Well, yesterday the wind was from the West. Not only were there signs posted for missing people- (last seen at our marina)- and signs warning of alligators eating small dogs- even Ken could smell the stench! As we left this AM, I got a good strong whiff and it literally gagged me! We had a PRETTY smooth ride to Myrtle Beach- still SC! We’re surrounded by condos and bigger boats and within 100 steps to walk the dog! The princess is happy! Today I swam in the pool & talked with my cousin Judy- we’re getting close to her home. And somewhere between Georgetown & Myrtle Beach- we lost the dolphins and pelicans and palm trees. We’re finally too far North for them (unless they prove me wrong tomorrow!). We’ll be off to Wrightsville Beach in the AM- where we’ll park the boat for a few days, rent a car, and go visiting folks! It sure will be nice to see a familiar face or two- especially cousins! Love to all- Linda
Today we traveled about 65 miles. Leaving early, about 9:00, we traveled on a slack tide for the first hour. After that we were in the Waccamaw River for about 35 miles. The guidebooks told us that this stretch was one of the prettiest of the entire ICW - I agree with the books! We passed abandoned rice paddies and plantations. The trees were covered in hanging moss and the river was wide and deep (about 12-15 ft.). We cruised on plane for most of the distance, only slowing down for ‘No Wake Zones’ and the few other boats we saw. As we approached Myrtle Beach we entered the area called the “Rock Pile” - we had been warned by boaters and chart books to stay in the middle of the channel or get towed by SeaTow after you hit a rock. I was apprehensive all day - the reality was that we cruised through the 3 miles in about 10 minutes never seeing an oncoming boat and never moving out of the middle - no problems! We arrived in Myrtle Beach and proceeded to North Myrtle Beach to the Myrtle Beach Yacht Club, arriving at about 12:30pm. We got gas and pumped out and then docked in a 20 mph wind - no problems. How come no one is looking when I make a good docking? While I washed the boat Linda went for a swim in the pool. We walked out to the road and I immediately recognized where I was from all the golf trips that I have been on. In fact, Linda’s father, Paul, Dave Veeder and I have eaten several times at the restaurant that is on site here - Umberto’s. Linda and I are going to eat there tonight. Tomorrow we are heading north 70 miles and entering North Carolina. We are going to pass the only ‘pontoon bridge’ left operational on the ICW. It only opens on the hour and the bridge tender is reported to take his job very seriously - it won’t open a minute early or late - be there or wait for the next hour. A pontoon bridge is one that is dragged to the side with a cable to open, the cable is then dropped to the sea floor and you can proceed. The bridge is then dragged closed. It can’t open when the tide is dead low because it is resting on the mud. We will have to time our leaving here with that opening and the tides in mind. The weather tomorrow is predicted to be beautiful for traveling. We sure have been lucky with the weather to this point. We saw a sign today - “New York 672 miles.” That seems about right. We’re all in a good mood today - good weather, nice marina, easy traveling, clean showers … Ken

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Wi-Fi troubles, but we're fine!

Sun. pm- we're in Myrtle Beach with more internet problems- I'm on the public computer in the laundry room of the marina! We stayed in Georgetown, SC last pm- tonight in Myrtle Beach, and Mon in Wrightsville Beach. There we'll rent a car and go see my Kriksciun cousins and then go see Dave in his natural habitat! It will feel weird to get off the boat & sleep in a real bed in a real room! (No rocking!). We both have written posts that we haven't been able to get onto the blog yet, so bear with us. Eventually we'll get more photos up! For now, please keep reading & commenting. The weather has been great, just a little windy- and the 60 mile ride today was SMOOTH and pretty- surrounded by graceful pines dripping with Spanish moss. More as soon as we are able- Love to all- Linda