Wednesday, March 28, 2007

To everything- tern, tern, tern......

Today there were lots of terns on the beach -fishing away with the pelicans. I wonder at what point on our trip it will be too cold and too far North to see pelicans anymore? Furthering our torture of poor Cory- today we took him to a "dog beach"- in other words- "We don't need no stinking leashes!" There were lots of big dogs, some small dogs, but every other dog seemed to enjoy getting wet & romping. Cory preferred to sniff every square inch of the beach. We did make him go in up to his chest- prompting the ever-popular bath in the sink when we returned home! The poor thing! Tonight we are having fresh fish & a salad & green beans (yes, Sandy, I am TRYING not to look like a manatee!) Tomorrow I have a haircut appointment (again!) this time shorter so I don't have "wings" over my ears! And then we take the boat out to get more hours on the engine. We did lots of errands today- I bought Ken one of those windshield reflectors for when we store the truck next week! We got a box to ship some things home in- really trying to pare down on the weight of the boat (and to save precious space!) More photos tomorrow- we didn't feel like hanging out at the Holiday Inn to post photos- reality on the beach is just too beautiful to leave! Love to all- thanks for the comments- and welcome to my Maid of Honor (circa 1975) Suzie-Q! Linda
Like Linda said - just an errand day. Making appointments to get the boat pulled and serviced next Monday, finding a location to store the truck and trailer, and then the ever pleasant job of completing our taxes before we leave. We are still on track to leave early next week. We've pared down to just the necessities for the trip but we still have too much stuff. The heaviest are all the charts and guide books that we need - they take up an entire storage tub. I'm thinking about trying to trade with south bound travelers for their charts because we still have no charts above the Chesapeake Bay! Nice day today but the wind has shifted and there are white caps on the Gulf - I hope the wind changes back tonight or I'll never be able to dock the boat tomorrow. Talk to you later - Ken


Anonymous said...

I want a picture of a Ft Myers's pelican!

Anonymous said...

It's really happening for you two (and Cory)! I have had a lot of blog reading to catch up on. A month on the beach at Ft. Meyers must have been heaven. Miss you, Solveig

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys,
We're loving your blog...I try to read it every day even though I don't post a daily comment. I was thinking of you over the weekend when I was in was great. Maybe you are on the right track about living in a warmer climate...just not sure about the bugs. Good luck as you head out and we'll be following along with you. Miss you and love you.