Sunday, April 29, 2007

Wi-Fi troubles, but we're fine!

Sun. pm- we're in Myrtle Beach with more internet problems- I'm on the public computer in the laundry room of the marina! We stayed in Georgetown, SC last pm- tonight in Myrtle Beach, and Mon in Wrightsville Beach. There we'll rent a car and go see my Kriksciun cousins and then go see Dave in his natural habitat! It will feel weird to get off the boat & sleep in a real bed in a real room! (No rocking!). We both have written posts that we haven't been able to get onto the blog yet, so bear with us. Eventually we'll get more photos up! For now, please keep reading & commenting. The weather has been great, just a little windy- and the 60 mile ride today was SMOOTH and pretty- surrounded by graceful pines dripping with Spanish moss. More as soon as we are able- Love to all- Linda

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


We received your clandestine note and we have hired a special forces squad to liberate you from the boat and to give you a bit of variety in your fool menu.

We are not too sure why you want to leave the boat, however, because South Carolina looks very beautiful and very warm. Here the weather is about the same as ever, one nice sunny spring day followed by four days of cold and rain. There are a few peach blossoms out and the bees have been working despite the cold.

We will be happy when your pictures start coming again because the ones that you sent from Charleston were a joy to look at. We are glad that the people from Volvo are taking good care of your boat; we put in a good word for you to Volvo so that undoubtedly helped.

I am a little concerned about your personal secretary. He has been staying out very late very often with some very wild party-people. His latest escapade included staying out until 3 AM with a crazy group of nurses who were evidently very much into lap-dancing. (Andrew had to explain to Solveig that this new craze was nothing like the Twist or the Maranena.) I do not see how he can keep on like that yet still attend to the responsibilies you have bestowed on him concerning your house. You might want to consider coming home earlier than planned.

Your friends,
Jake & Hortense