Friday, May 4, 2007

Living it up in NC!!!!

It's Friday, and we're at Dave's apartment:) We are staying at a Comfort Inn nearby with a king size bed!!!! Tues and Wed we stayed with my cousin Judy & her husband Bob in Southport, NC. They graciously opened their BEAUTIFUL new home to all 3 of us. It was wonderful to be uncramped and to sleep in a real bed! While we were there, we got to see my aunt (88 years old!) and several more cousins who live nearby! Judy & Bob are wonderful people and wonderful hosts/tour guides. All of Judy's siblings have bought homes in the historic town of Southport. We found that we all like to go around and look at houses/model homes and dream. It was great to get re-acquainted with that side of my family. A big giant thank you to our cousins!!

The weather here in Chapel Hill is COLD (60 degrees) and cloudy with sprinkles and wind- no time to be on the boat! Our boat is about 3 hours away, safely snug at Wrightsville Beach. We plan to go back to the boat Sat pm, and depending on the wind, head out on Sun. to Morehead City. We are re-stocking the boat, I'm getting another haircut, and Dave is giving us a tour of the UNC campus and his office today. Cory slept until 9 am today- I guess he loved the king size bed! We WILL post photos tonight- we're too busy being land-lubbers right now!! Love to all- Linda

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Linda, Ken and Cory,
It was wonderful visiting with you in Southport, NC. Hope you enjoyed your visit with Dave. How do you like our crazy weather here???Last time we had this much wind was just before a hurricane!!Hope you are on your way north soon! Loved the pix, especially Cory in the Mustang! Stay safe and Enjoy! Bob and Judy and Miss Cozette