Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Dave is here!!!

I don't know if I am able to get a photo onto this blog, but I am thrilled to report that Dave is here! We walked on the beach last pm, and Ken & Dave are walking on the beach as I am here in the library again! We got Cory a METAL crate yesterday, and we put his blanket inside it with a treat- but so far he is petrified of it. I really think he is smart enough to figure out that it's basically the same shape as his previous crate, and that means we may actually leave him alone in the house!!!! (Yay!)Well, there are 10 people waiting to use this computer, so I'll send more later- but we may be busy with Tom & Larry & Dave for the next few days! I'm surrounded by men:)Linda

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So...could life be any better?