The wind is from the North at 30 mph sustained- gusts to 45 or so. They closed the bridges over the ICW that open for boats- that's howwindy it is.
They made me go to a JAZZ concert at the park- everyone knows I'm a rock n roll dog!
Poor Cory- so abused! We enjoyed today with a LONG walk exploring Wrightsville Beach and going to a jazz concert in the park. At least it's not raining! Love to all -Linda
Hi Ken and Linda!
Oops, sorry, hit publish by mistake!
We're in St. Augustine, for our full adventures see our website!
You'll LOVE the Chesapeake! You'll not want to leave...
May I recommend Dowry Creek Marina in Belhaven...and do the DISMAL SWAMP route instead of Coinjock, you'll be one of few boats that CAN. It's breathtaking. And you'll be able to stop at Elizabeth City too that way!
Also, stay in Portsmouth and visit Norfolk by ferry...and Hampton Roads and James River are great. Well, I could go on and on...
Mostly, just have FUN! You'll be so glad you did it and you'll miss it when you're done!
Bill and Diane Stevens
S/V Argonaut
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