It's 2:00pm on Wednesday and we are still at Wrightsville Beach. We considered starting out this morning but the weather was still iffy. The wind has died down somewhat to 10-15 mph with occasional gusts. But it is still out of the north, although it is predicted to change to the east. We are waiting for that change, and also for the seas to calm down. Thursday looks like moving day. As I write this, it has just started raining out. This is the last gasp of the storm that swirlled offshore here and then headed to Georgia - where it has just been named the first sub-tropical storm of the year. ("Andrea").Glad it has finally left this area. Today is a day of restocking supplies, doing the laundry, checking the charts, making the boat presentable, and generally relaxing. The temp is a cozy 70 degrees. We have the fan on and are quite comfortable. Ken
Linda says-"I'm just enjoying the free time!"

Yes, we are still in the south. These guys are everywhere - and quite brazen.
Their "throats" are bright orange when they puff them out.

Lou and Leslie aboard their boat 'Serendipity' - they are a wonderful couple also stuck at the marina by the high winds. They are traveling south on the ICW headed for Charleston. We had lunch with them yesterday and swapped boating tales. We thought our adventure was pretty daring until Lou mentioned that just recently he, and two sons, climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro!! The story makes our adventure look a little tame!

Lou and Leslie heading out Wednesday noon for Charleston via Southport and Myrtle Beach aboard their new Bayliner 24'. One of the few boats smaller than ours cruising the ICW. As they headed south there were ominous clouds in that direction. We suspect that the rain on the marina at 2:00pm was coming down on them at about 1230p. Hopefully it didn't last long. I do have to mention that their boat seemed extremely comfortable for two and was the neatest boat in the marina.

A rare photo of all three of us together on our boat. The weather is chilly with the wind still at gusts to 30mph - hence, the long pants!

Cory has no thumbs - therefore, the bike is useless to him.
Besides, he can't reach the pedals!

We caught Cory with these wings strapped to his body ready to jump off the draw bridge. We think he was trying to invoke the spirit of the movie 'Papillon."
You keep trying to find a way. If you do make it back alone, Jake says you can stay problem. We will just send Hortense over to Andy's.
Miss you guys, Love, Solveig
Cory with wings and a happy look on his face- priceless!!!
Can you catch one of those pretty lizards for me? They're so cute.
Glad you made it through the storm. I saw pictures of the huge waves on the coast near where you are. Wow!
With all these lay ups, are you wishing your boat was a tad bigger?? LOL
Tight lines,
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