This is where I was the "fish out of water"- very funky but friendly- I ordered a Coke and looked around. Shady trees and dirty picnic tables. I'm sure the fish was as fresh as possible, but Bob Smith hadn't been inspecting here!!!

I'm definitely not in Kansas anymore at this fish camp!

The view from inside the Ponce lighthouse- down about 17 stories! It was so well preserved. Again, very windy at the top, with gorgeous views.( This photo is for Solveig!)

Ponce De Leon inlet from the Atlantic Ocean into Daytona. The ICW avoids this area by going inland several thousand yards.

They don't mind people driving on the beaches here, oddly enough. However, we have been checking the local housing prices and houses on a "No Drive Beach" are selling at a premium - actually nothing in Florida is selling - they're just asking a premium price. This is a highly telephoto'd shot from the lighthouse.

After seeing this picture Cory stopped complaining about the small boat he's in.
Thanks for taking the picture at the top of the lighthouse! How were your knees walking down?? Judy would not approve.
Miss you..Love, Solveig
Hey Guys!
Great to see you back on the blog. Neurotic individual that I am, I was very worried not having seen a post from you for so many days. These photos are awesome, especially the lighthouse and, of course, Cory! His comments are priceless--poor captive creature. Hope you have good weather for the next leg of your journey. Love you and miss you,
Great stuff!! That picture of the Diggle Dog is priceless. Did Cory leap back in horror when he got his first glimpse? If he misbehaves you can threaten to dress him like that- that will straighten him right out! Poor Cory.
I have enjoyed reading your blog and Solveig informed me that I really needed to leave you a comment. I have been very busy since returning from our trip and certainly envied your visit to N.Y., N.Y. That is certainly a part of the city that I have never experienced before.
You had quite a bit of courage to enter Mosquito Lagoon first of all because of its name and secondly for attempting to follow what seemed to be an extremely confusing map. I don't think that I would like to be lost in Mosquito Lagoon.
Having had the experience in the past, it would have caused me great trepidation to call a Volvo mechanic to work on anything. I hope that he did not complete his repair job with expensive, Scandinavian boat parts.
When I saw the picture of the rose-colored lighthouse that Linda visited all I could think of was the Tour Rose that Solveig and I saw in Lyon. It looked uncannily like that lighthouse.
I was down at Bill Bohan's the other day where together we read some of your earlier reports. We were kind of scratching our heads wondering how you could have been out in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean without being aware of it. It is a good thing that Ken had Linda with you to point out that the body of water he was traversing was not a river but an ocean.
Speaking of water, back here in Connecticut we are slowly getting washed away. Yesterday the fire department parked their truck at the intersection of 202 and Dings road. They motorboated to the Cooley's old house on Ding's Road to pump out the basement. On the way back to 202 in the motorboat they got caught up in the current of the Nepaug River and smashed into the bridge. Fortunately they did not capsize or sink and they were able to get back to the fire truck.
Your personal secretary is doing a bang-up job in your absence and I am sure that he will be looking for a large performance bonus following your return.
We miss you and look forward to more reports which lessen the pain of your absence.
Farmer Pierre
Mr. Dominick's Fish Camp!
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