Linda here- just some thoughts on Georgia, now that we're safely in SC! If you're ever in Brunswick, get some Brunswick stew- a delicious tomato-based stew with veggies and pork and corn and spices. YUM! Also- we saw a bald eagle & dolphins & wood storks today. The amount of palm trees is lessening and the nights are colder now that we're more North! It's usually in the 50's by am. But the past few days have been gorgeous weather, so we plan to go to Charleston,SC tomorrow, and stay for a few days. Love- Linda
Today we traveled about 80 miles and entered into South Carolina. The route was easier today than yesterday. We only had to cross one sound - by the way, a sound is where a large river makes its way to the Atlantic Ocean. If you hit them with the right tide and wind, they're not bad. Wrong tide and wrong wind and they get stirred up to high, steep, close, waves. We have been fortunate so far with no bad crossings - nothing we haven't seen on a regular basis on Long Island Sound. Which is good because this boat is light and doesn't like the chop. I now have 58 hrs. on the engine - a normal seasons worth of hours. I'm looking for a mechanic so I can get the oil changed. Our next stop, which will be for at least 2 nights, is at Charleston, SC - that's where I'm going to try and schedule maintenance. The waterways so far in SC have been wider and deeper but we have only been traveling 3 hrs on each side of high tide - it just worked out that way in this last stretch. We are currently at ICW mile #540. That means we have 600 miles behind us - not too shabby. See you all soon. Ken
Note to other blog readers.....if you double click on any picture, it will get as big as your screen. Check it out and you can really see the dolphins. Miss you , Love Solveig
SC- now you're cruising. Thought about about you guys all day. 72 degrees here, hard to believe. Was with the kids most of the last 2 days. It was a good weekend. I never heard anything about Charleston on the schedule. Good luck with the maint. etc. I'll give a call after work. So which is better Kilkenny or Port Royal? Never mind. Tom
Point #1 - I never knew before that those awful hats that Grandpa Bob used to wear were called Elmer Fudd hats. What a perfect name for them. Grandpa Bob always was kind of a wascally guy.
Point #2 - I think that you should buy that waterfront property that you saw in Georgia. I know that it looks a little decrepit right now, but think of the possibilities.
Point #3 - Your pictures of the smoke reminded me of the time Norman & I flew to Florida in March, 1990. While over Georgia and Northern Florida, there was so much smoke over the area that we thought General Sherman was burning up the South again. They do not seem to be too big on air quality in Dixie. I bet also that unlike New Hartford, Georgia does not charge $20 a pile for open space burning.
Point #4 - I am sure that Solveig did not tell you her reaction to the musical card that Linda sent to her, but being a live witness to the event I will recount what I saw. I don't know what she was expecting (photos maybe?) but when she opened the card and the music started playing she jumped about 5 feet. Then a very sour look crossed her face when she recognised the tune and proclaimed, "I HATE that song and Linda KNOWS I hate that song!"
Point #5 - I may be wrong and no one agrees with me, but if you are in SC already, it seems to me that you will be back here before the end of May. In other words, it seems as if you are making pretty fast progress.
Point #6 - Keep the pictures of the ladies bathrooms coming.
Point #7 - Miss you & look forward to seeing you on your return. My best to Mr. Wiggles.
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